Mental Health & Well-Being
Financial Well-Being & Economic Justice
Mental Health & Well-Being
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Mental Health & Well-Being
Mental Health & Well-Being
Mental Health & Well-Being
Financial Well-Being & Economic Justice
Click on the boxes to learn more about our affiliated programs and projects.
Work, Family & Well-Being Research Group
The mission of the University of Maryland Work, Family & Well-Being Research Group (WRG) is to bring together interdisciplinary scholars that share an interest in research on work and its intersection with well-being and/or family life, and connect these researchers with each other, policy makers, employers, and the media. (PI: Nancy Kusmaul & Corey Shdaimah)
Developing and Testing a Brief Intervention for Problem Gambling in Credit Counseling
Problem gambling is a stigmatized problem that is often not adequately assessed and can contribute to significant financial distress and negative outcomes. This randomized control trial is testing the effectiveness of a unique brief intervention using motivational techniques and text messaging for individuals at-risk for problem gambling. The intervention is designed to help reduce gambling behavior and improve financial well-being among credit counseling clients who seek services within a national financial counseling organization, Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Maryland (CCCSMD). (PIs: Paul Sacco & Jodi Frey)